Ifsc Code Adalah

Ifsc Code Adalah

The Importance of IFSC Code

Now that you know what IFSC is, let’s talk about its importance of IFSC in the banking system.

Features of IFSC Codes

Is IFSC code only for India?

Yes, this code is used only for transactions conducted within India. For foreign transactions, the SWIFT code is used.

Mendukung Transfer Dana Elektronik

IFSC Code memungkinkan transaksi keuangan elektronik seperti NEFT, RTGS, dan IMPS. Kode ini penting untuk memfasilitasi proses transfer dana online antar bank.

How Many Digits Are There in IFSC Codes?

An IFSC code has 11 characters. This alphanumeric code consists of the bank identifier (the first 4 letters), a zero (as a separator), and a 6-digit branch code that uniquely identifies each branch.

Why is an IFSC Code Required?

Step 2: Initiate the Transaction

What is the meaning of IFSC codes?

IFSC is a unique identification code that is used to identify the bank and branch of a particular bank account. It is used across multiple electronic bank transfer systems in India.

Razorpay’s IFSC Toolkit

Handling a multitude of payments on an everyday basis, we discovered that we needed to process, validate and query several financial details, one of them being IFSC codes. We needed a system that could, easily, quickly, and accurately validate codes in order to ensure smooth payments processing. Without any complete API that suited all our requirements, we decided to build our own IFSC toolkit and even make it open source to help others in the industry.

Here’s exactly how we built the IFSC Toolkit:

The IFSC toolkit includes an API, the dataset downloads, and the source code to generate the entire dataset from the RBI website. You can find all these details at ifsc.razorpay.com. We have written more about Razorpay IFSC Toolkit.

Branch Locator tool

Most banks have a Branch Locator tool on their official website. You can use it to find the IFSC for a specific branch by entering the state, city and branch name. For example, if you enter “Uttar Pradesh” in the state field, “Lucknow” in the city field, and “Lucknow Main Branch” in the branch name field, your screen will display the IFSC of this branch.

It is crucial to enter the correct IFSC during an online transfer, as it ensures that the funds reach the intended recipient. If you enter an incorrect IFSC, your bank will decline the transaction.